This is our database of enfranchisement cases. The idea is that a few clicks should get you the authoritative decision you need.
In an ideal world, we would log all FTT decisions relating to enfranchisement. Even if we were able to keep up with the numbers, which we can’t, it’s not usually easy to gauge what issues were involved without reading the decision. We would probably need two full-time members of staff to do it!
We can comfort ourselves with the thought that FTTs do not bind one another in their decisions. The decisions that are capable of binding FTTs are the decisions of the Courts and the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) (formerly the Lands Tribunal) (“UT”). The database has (or should have) all decisions of the UT since Sportelli (and a few before that), and all important decisions of the higher Courts since then. Let us know if you find an omission.
We’d like to think the database is complete, easy to search, and a good source for the complete decision. We intend to keep it maintained and up-to-date, and improve it if we can. Don’t hesitate to let us have any criticisms or comments: click the link at the foot of this page to e-mail any of us: we’d be very glad to hear from you.